Quentin Tarantino n'a pas encore 50 ans et simplement 7 films à son actif, mais a d'ores et déjà rejoint le panthéon du cinéma international, et ce depuis ses tout premiers films, Reservoir Dogs et Pulp Fiction. Retour express et en vidéo sur le parcours du réalisateur américain le plus cinglé et le plus incisif de sa génération :

  1. Royal royal cheese, Pulp Fiction
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536446

    Varnish cache server

  2. Mr. Pink, Reservoir Dogs
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536448

    Varnish cache server

  3. "Luiiiiiiiisss", Jackie Brown
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536450

    Varnish cache server

  4. "C'est un bingo", Inglorious Basterd
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536452

    Varnish cache server

  5. "J'ai buté Marvin", Pulp Fiction
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536454

    Varnish cache server

  6. Butterfly, Boulevard de la mort
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536456

    Varnish cache server

  7. La mort de Bill, Kill Bill, vol. II
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536458

    Varnish cache server

  8. Danse Mr. Blonde, Reservoir Dogs
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536460

    Varnish cache server

  9. The Bride versus Gogo and The Crazy 88's, Kill Bill, vol. I
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536462

    Varnish cache server

  10. L'accent italien, Inglorious Basterd
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536464

    Varnish cache server

  11. "L'expresso des gourmets", Pulp Fiction
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536466

    Varnish cache server

  12. Le pourboire, Reservoir Dogs
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536468

    Varnish cache server

  13. Enterrée vivante, Kill Bill, vol. II
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536470

    Varnish cache server

  14. Mort de Hitler, Inglorious Basterd
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536472

    Varnish cache server

  15. Jasper, Boulevard de la mort
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536474

    Varnish cache server

  16. Bonus : la bande-annonce du prochain Tarantino, Django unchained
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 536476

    Varnish cache server

Et vous, quel est votre film préféré de Tarantino ?