Charlie Brooker est un misanthrope anglais qui n'aime rien (ou presque), surtout pas ce qui passe à la TV, en attestent ses émissions How TV Ruined Your Life, son prédécesseur, Screenwipe, ou Newswipe. Du cynisme, du recul, du désamour envers le monde, mais surtout beaucoup d'humour. Pour les anglophones avertis uniquement, on ne peut que vous conseiller d'aller faire un petit tour en Grande Bretagne et de revenir par ici.

  1. La vie de couple: "Tolerance, that's true love"
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109939

    Varnish cache server

  2. L'iPad 2: "We are now a species that applauds cables"
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109941

    Varnish cache server

  3. La couverture médiatique de la neige: "They're not news, they're f*cking snowmen"
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109943

    Varnish cache server

  4. La vie rêvée vue à la TV: "Real life's grey in comparison. No wonder everybody's miserable"
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109945

    Varnish cache server

  5. Susan Boyle: "She's not that remarkable if you start to think about for, i don't know, 0.6 seconds"
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109947

    Varnish cache server

  6. My Super Sweet Sixteen: "I think this might be an Al-Qaeda recruitment film"
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109949

    Varnish cache server

  7. Le reportage le plus standard au monde
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109951

    Varnish cache server

  8. Silvio Berlusconi: "He's basically an ejaculating penis, with a Prime Minister attached to it"
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109953

    Varnish cache server

  9. Rebecca Black (et ses haters):
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109955

    Varnish cache server

  10. Le "Talent"
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109957

    Varnish cache server

  11. Bonus : Doug Stanhope, le jumeau américain de Charlie Brooker, intervient de temps en temps dans ses émissions.
    503 Backend fetch failed

    Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Backend fetch failed

    Guru Meditation:

    XID: 109959

    Varnish cache server

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